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Celebrating Swarna Jayanti of Haryana

Haryana, the land of Jai Jawan Jai Kisan, of courage and fortitude, and of people who till the land, is celebrating Swarna Jayanti. The State has completed 50 years of its existence as a State on the federal map of the Republic of India on 1 st November, 2016. The State Government has thus decided to put an action plan in execution of festivities, showcasing not only the glorious past of this land of the Vedas, Gita and Upanishands, but also depicting a lineup of dreams and aspirations the people of Haryana have cherished.

The Celebrations are meant to reflect the State’s rich heritage, its art, culture and glorious history along with its phenomenal progress and achievement made across the years. This is an occasion for the manifestation of the people’s power and potential!

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